Monday, October 14, 2019

Heung Jin Nim's first Message (2)

Heung Jin Nim's first Message (2)
January 1, 2002
The Situation and Changes in the Spiritual World
Dear Beloved True Parents
I want share this for the sake of the members, that they may understand the changes taking place in the spiritual world and its situation in detail.
If you want to ascend to Heaven, first you have to go through a door between the Middle Level of the spiritual world and Paradise. As you enter you see fog, such as you see when you climb a mountain just before you reach the summit; looking down you see the fog beneath you, and as you descend the fog again gets thicker and thicker. But as you continue upward and approach the Kingdom of Heaven it gets brighter.
In the Kingdom of Heaven, you will see green grass everywhere. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming in profusion, and animals are playing happily together. The air is fresh and filled with fragrances like lilac. Bright light shines throughout, more beautiful than diamond and clear as crystal. As you stand there, you feel so comfortable and refreshed. A feeling of love and happiness fills you. Unlike in earthy life, in the Kingdom of Heaven these happy feelings are continual.
In the Kingdom of Heaven, there is no anxiety or suffering. All the spirits have bright and peaceful expressions; they do not need to talk as they automatically care for each other. There is no fighting, no jealousy, no hate or arrogance, and no fallen nature. Everyone is filled only with True Love. However, only people who were Blessed through the True Parents can enter this place. Even people on earth who led a good life cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless they have been Blessed.
You cannot go to this place by living in a haphazard way. In order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven you have to live a clean and beautiful life, crystal clear with no blemishes. In order to live here you must have a smile on your face and a light that shines like jewels. Blessed Couples should examine themselves every hour of their life to check whether they are truly becoming citizens of Kingdom of Heaven, by leading an earthly life of which they will not be ashamed in any way.
As you descend from the Kingdom of Heaven, you will encounter many different regions of the spiritual world. Many people on earth think that there are only two different places: Heaven and hell. But in reality there are many regions, from very evil places to very good places. Although there are many different levels, any level other than the Kingdom of Heaven is not at all comfortable because the people fight each other, insisting that they alone are correct about their opinions. Each region is filled with people who are of the same type, so it is not comfortable to remain there.
For example, in the region where people who were accustomed to stealing things on earth dwell, they are ever thinking that other people will steal things from them. Amid such distrust of others fighting goes on continually.
When they come here most of the sprits are placed in various regions of hell and the middle realms. Where they are placed is decided by how they lived their lives on the earth. Therefore, if you don't want to suffer in hell you must not live an unprincipled life, but go the way of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. God is only goodness and love. Unless we make effort to resemble God, we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
If you descend further into the lower regions, you come to regions of hell where you cannot breathe. It is dark and scary, and it has a terrible smell, worse than the smell of rotten meat or fish. Deformed figures appear in front of you, biting each other, yelling and screaming at each other. Some regions are filled with burning holes, and in them are people who are forever angry at each other. The worst regions are reserved for those who were sexually corrupt or who committed suicide. It is difficult to look at the many ugly figures there slithering all about like snakes.
People living on the earth don't recognize how frightening it is in these areas. If you could see it, you would not be able to remain there even for a minute. Fortunately, all Blessed Couples have had their Original Sin forgiven and have the chance to cleanse their ancestors' sins, collective sins, personal sins and fallen nature. Yet Blessed Couples don't recognize how precious and valuable is the grace that they possess.
As the Divine Principle teaches us, no one forces people to go to a particular region of the spiritual world, but people find their own place by their own will according to the spiritual level they attained on the earth. If only we could make people understand this, they would know how to live in the future.
The colors of the different regions of the spiritual world differ one from another, from the Kingdom of Heaven to hell. The Kingdom of Heaven is extremely bright and white, clean like flawless white jade. But as we descend the colors become darker and darker and dirtier. Descending from the Kingdom of Heaven the color turns beige, then darker shades of purple. Descending to still lower regions the color becomes light brown, then gray, dark gray, black and pitch black. The more sins committed, the darker the color. Also, spirits who committed many sins with a certain part of their body show dirtier and darker colors on that part. After receiving the Blessing, people can get rid of their fallen nature and live in the Kingdom of Heaven. The more True Love, the closer they can get to the Kingdom of Heaven. But the more fallen nature the darker their spirit self becomes, and they go to a dark place.
It is so important after we receive the Blessing to remove evil, resentful spirits and to remove our fallen nature, because this will decide our environment after we go to the spiritual world. People may enjoy their wealth, power and good position, but the situation in the spiritual world is so different. The more money a person had on earth or the higher the position that they misused, the greater their troubles are in the spiritual world.
In the Divine Principle it reads, "Sin is a violation of heavenly law which is committed when a person forms a common base with Satan, thus setting a condition for give-and-take action with him." Most people think of sin only as personal sin, but there is Original Sin, ancestral sin and collective sin as well. We are burdened with sins inherited from our ancestors even though we personally did not commit them, and we are responsible for collective sins that were committed collectively.
In one word, being a fallen person means being the result of 6000 years of fallen human history -- a mixture of good and evil. People inherit good and evil character from their ancestors, but living in the world where there is more evil than good, evil is continuously repeated. When we say that there are many evil spirits in the bodies of people on the earth, it is the result of personal sins and ancestral sins passed down through the lineage.
For every sin, there is always a cause, because it is the result of a condition to have give-and-take action with Satan. Thus, there is story behind every sin, and someone was its cause. Maybe an ancestor of the person, while living on the earth gave much difficulty and pain to someone, and that person came to have resentment. Now this resentful spirit has come down to the descendant of that ancestor to get revenge by trying to influence him to commit sin. Such a cause might also show as sickness or pain.
All modern diseases have spiritual causes that are connected to the sins of ancestors. By looking at the sicknesses and difficulties of descendants, we can infer about the life of their ancestors. If the ancestors had stolen things from the others or misused public things or money, their descendants often suffer from stomach problems. If they had many sexual transgressions, their descendants may suffer from diseases of the sex organs, or be unable to bear children, have problems being faithful, or get divorced after marriage. Ancestors who did not see things about others correctly and hurt them will cause their descendants to have children who are born blind, mute or deaf. In other words, according to the way pain was given, the descendants suffer with the same kind of troubles. The heavier the ancestors' sins, the more difficult it is to heal the resulting sickness; it may not even be curable.
If people on the earth do not clear up these sins through paying the required indemnity, the suffering is passed down to their children. Later, when those people come to the spiritual world and watch their children suffer they regret that they did not clear things up for them. They lament, "If only I had borne my suffering on earth, my children would not need to suffer now."
Therefore, unless people clear up all the sins passed down from their ancestors, as well as the personal sins they committed themselves, they cannot escape from sickness and pain. The sins are so great and so many that they cause countless evil spirits to infest the bodies of people on the earth. There are multitudes of them, each the size of an ant's egg. In reality, spirits can control their size freely. These evil spirits make themselves tiny in order to infest people's bodies in large numbers.
When you look at a spirit, it may appear as it was as a human being, or as it was at the time of death. Sometimes a spirit appears as an animal or as an insect according to how he or she lived on the earth. A person who had a hot temper might have the appearance of a tiger. A person who delighted in tricking others might look like fox, and a person who was sexually promiscuous might look like a snake.
Dear most precious True Parents! My training center is located right next to the kingdom of heaven.
The Kingdom of Heaven is not yet open, as it will be opened only after True Parents arrive here. Those who are prepared will enter on that day. I am glad that we have this training center, because we need it in order to restore all people in the spirit world. I can never thank you enough for providing it. Now we are able to create Absolute Good Spirits. This means we have now created a realm where Satan cannot invade. As the number of Absolute Good Spirits increases, the territory of God and True Parents increases. Satan's evil work is diminished, and the hope of establishing the Kingdom of Heaven opens up on the earth.
Looking at our progress in liberating evil spirits, some may question whether it would be easier if we would restore all the evil spirits on the earth at once. But that is not the Principle way. God cannot intervene in the choices of fallen human beings, who fell into the midway position. God cannot intervene with His power, and Satan cannot intervene either. Each person alone decides whose side he or she is on by the conditions he or she makes and who is in the rightful position to intervene. Only when a person makes a condition for God, can God intervene in that person's life.
Therefore, in order to remove evil spirits we need to make indemnity conditions by understanding our sins and the sins of our ancestors. Otherwise, the separation or liberation of evil spirits is very difficult. The same principle applies in Blessing our ancestors. We need to make conditions so that our ancestors can be liberated and sent to the training center in the spiritual world, where they become the Absolute Good Spirits who will be the foundation for God to come down on earth.
As of this time, True Parents have achieved the cosmic level of victory. They have liberated the spiritual world and have broken down the boundaries between religions in the spiritual world. True Parents have created the environment to establish the Kingdom of Heaven and to break down national boundaries.
On this basis, evil spirits are being restored to become Absolute Good Spirits. Especially, all the declarations that True Parents proclaimed from 1990 up to the Coronation of God's Kingship made the victorious foundation to restore Absolute Good Spirits and send them to the earth. This work would be impossible unless the Messiah, the eternal True Parent, does it.
In recent years the spiritual world has changed for the worse. Since 1980 evil spirits greatly increased their power to work on the earth and this made their work much more effective. The reason for this was that the central figures of the Providence did not know the identity of Satan, the root of sin, or the nature of Original Sin. Satan, therefore, had no anxieties about creating his self-centered world. However, after the True Parents came into the world the situation started changing. After revealing the root of sin and the Original Sin more clearly than God had ever revealed it before, True Parents began making conditions so that Satan would not be able to settle on the earth. As he achieved victory after victory in Providence of Restoration, Satan began to get nervous. Consequently, Satan mobilized the evil spirits in the spiritual world to work with the evil spirits in the bodies of people on the earth by stimulating their resentment and their desire to take revenge on the descendants of the people who caused them pain. In particular, Satan watched closely for opportunities to invade Blessed Couples. Whenever he found any conditions to do so, he put evil spirits into Blessed Couples' bodies. As a result, Blessed Couples were not living centered on God.
God expected that Blessed Couples would make unity of heart with God and True Parents by living with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Satan cannot invade such Blessed Couples. But when the Blessed Couples acted in unprincipled ways they made conditions for Satan to invade them. In fact, most Blessed Couples expected that the victory of True Parents would protect them; they didn't look deeply at themselves to check whether they had anything for which Satan could accuse them. They didn't reflect on whether any fallen nature remained in them. Therefore, at least from now on we must work hard to purify ourselves from evil and sin and be reborn as original, true children.
Blessed Couples must know that they have many, many evil resentful spirits within them. Blessed Couples should know how to separate these evil spirits and be cleansed of sins. They must work hard to clean this up while they are on the earth. Do Blessed Couples doubt it when I say that they have many evil spirits in them? The proof is that they still commit so many evil actions and retain so much fallen nature.
From this point of view, liberating our ancestors is the way to straighten out all the complicated matters passed down through the lineage and to restore the original lineage. All the sins committed by ancestors are passed down to their descendants; therefore, members are pushed to commit sins in spite of themselves. By clearing up the invisible world, True Parents' saving hands are reaching down to us. Their desire is that members will no longer be tempted by Satan and can live according to the original way.
As time passes by, people will see the difference in the members' lives between those who have invested to liberate evil spirits and those who have not. The more evil spirits there are in a person, the more difficulties that person will have to face. The fewer evil spirits he or she has, the more comfortable and happy his or her life will be.
Therefore, each of us must reach the absolute standard, which is in accord with the ideal standard of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let's overcome our fallen nature and go the way of true children, the way acceptable to God. This is most important.
Therefore, you members must not take this matter lightly and just be bystanders. You must take it seriously and by all means remove the evil spirits from your bodies. Participate with the determination to uproot all the evil and all your fallen nature. Just as evil spirits can change to become Absolute Good Spirits, so also you on the earth must heed the voice of your conscience and original mind and pursue the way of perfection, that you may resemble God.
Through the Coronation of God's Kingship, the Transition of Three Ages Four-Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing, the liberation of ancestors and the Blessing of ancestors, the time has now come to open and enlarge the history of goodness.
Now is the time when all the people on the earth can be cleansed of their fallen nature and be reborn into the state before the Fall. Now, when the spiritual and physical worlds are changing and developing at the same time, all must go out and witness to True Parents and teach the Divine Principle, in order that all people on the earth may go to the Kingdom of Heaven.
In order for all mankind to be Blessed and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the numbers of Absolute Good Spirits must be increased. It is important that members take this responsibility to further the progress of the Providence of Restoration.
No evil spirit can invade an Absolute Good Spirit. Evil spirits cannot bear to look at the bright light shining from an Absolute Good Spirit. But Absolute Good Spirits can see evil spirits and are able to drag them out of earthly people's bodies. Now, as Absolute Good Spirits are descending to the earth, evil spirits are loosing their ground upon which to be active. Evil spirits have misled good people whose spiritual senses are partially open by coming to them in the disguise of a good spirit and leading them astray. To prevent members from being misled the evil spirits who are cleared from their bodies are made into Absolute Good Spirits. No one can be misled once all five spiritual senses are completely open, but this will be possible only after the evil spirits are cleared out completely and the person is united with the heart of God and True Parents. For this reason, all members must work hard to become spiritually clean and unite with God and True Parents' realm of heart. This is the way we will prevent the divisions that plague Christians, who, although they believe in the same Jesus, divided into denominations and became enemies.
In order to build one family under God with our True Parents members must clear up this potential problem so that no one will come pretending to be this or that.
True Parents are on the earth, but they are in the spiritual world as well. When you go to the Kingdom of Heaven, you can see True Parents sitting beside the throne of God. This is how all the spirits could accept True Parents as the Messiah. Only the people dwelling on the earth do not know this well because they see True Parents strictly from a humanistic standpoint.
When the participants in Heung Jin Nim's training go and visit True Parents in the spiritual world they get to meet the smiling, loving True Parents. True Parents are eternal beings who can travel freely between the earth and Heaven. Only on the earth are people still ignorant of the value of True Parents; this makes me truly so sad. I am so happy and grateful to live with the eternal True Parents. On earth, members trapped in their busy daily schedules may sometimes forget about True Parents. Here, no matter what they cannot forget the eternal value of True Parents.
Ancestor liberation ceremony and the spirit world workshop
After you register for the ancestor liberation ceremony, Dae Mo Nim looks through the list of ancestors and mobilizes angels and Absolute Good Spirits to seek them out in the spirit world. Sometimes the spirits are found dwelling in the physical bodies of people on the earth, sometimes they are simply staying somewhere in the spirit world, and sometimes they are found wandering about the earth as ghosts. Searching for them is like looking at a distant place through a telescope. When we track down ancestors through a person's lineage, it is like checking the person's genes.
A few years ago we would call the spirits over here to liberate their resentments. However, because the evil spirit world is becoming stronger and stronger we now must go and grab hold of them and directly bring them to Chung Pyung to make sure we have accurately found the right ancestors.

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