Heung Jin Nim's first Message (3)
January 1, 2002
Ancestor Liberation Ceremony and the Spirit world Workshop
During the ancestor liberation ceremony, the ancestors first wait to meet with their descendants on the earth. Then a shaft of light shines down on them from Heaven and they ascend to the spirit world, guided up that beam of light by angels. Then the evil spirits who were separated during the 2-day workshop and the ancestors liberated through the ceremony go together to Heung Jin Nim's training center in the spirit world where they will attend the training.
They approach the training center through the gate of the spirit world located between the Middle-Level Spirit World and Paradise. They enter the training center and then register for the 100-day workshop.
After my words of greeting, they receive an explanation about the significance of the 100-day workshop and its schedule. In the first lectures, I explain to them concretely what each of them looks like and why, and then I let them see their spirit selves. These spirits never had the chance or the interest to observe their appearance closely. They never lived in an environment where they could see themselves with their own eyes. In the workshop, they are shocked to see what they look like. Some cry out when they discover how strange they look. What they see when they look at their own body is their actual life on earth. Also, they learn clearly where in the spirit world they will go for their dwelling-place.
After I let the ancestors see themselves in this way, I take them on a tour of the whole spirit world, from Heaven to the bottom of hell. Next, I let them find their rightful dwelling-places as determined by their spiritual state.
As they travel downward towards the lower regions of the spirit world closer to hell, the landscape becomes rougher, with high walls and ditches. Because the surroundings are dark, the spirits have a hard time finding their rightful dwellings even though they might in fact be close by.
In fact, most of the ancestors never had a chance to reach their proper dwelling-places in the spirit world after they left the earth. Often an evil spirit captured them as soon as they died. Hence, for many of them it was their first time to actually visit their due home in the spirit world.
Next, I let them feel how painful it is to stay in their dwellings. I leave them alone there until they see that there is no way they could continue living in such a place. I wait until they repent and make a heart-felt pledge after realizing for themselves how wayward their lives on earth were. Then I call them again to the spirit world workshop.
After this process I gather them together and give them serious Divine Principle lectures. These lectures are different from those on the earth. The participants can actually see the scenes played out and know the real situations as they happened. Hence, the participants can understand more deeply than people on earth who hear the lectures.
The first lectures are "The Principle of Creation" and "The Fall of Humankind," which I teach. I tell them, "When God was creating human beings and the natural world He worked full of hope and joy. God created the natural world so that He could enjoy watching His children rejoicing as they took loving dominion over nature. God created each creature in the Garden of Eden with His children in mind." As I lecture on the process of creation a screen on the side of the stage shows actual scenes from God's creation of Heaven and earth. Through watching these images the participants can understand in depth how much love God invested as He created human beings and all of nature. When I ask the participants after the presentation if they had felt God's heart of creation, they all reply, "Yes." When I then remark that they had no idea about God's loving heart in their earthly life, and pronounce that their life of ignorance was itself a great sin, they all nod and begin deep prayers of repentance.
As I continue with the lecture on the Fall of Humankind, moving images of the actual fall are displayed on the screen beside the stage. The participants first see how Lucifer in his excessive desire felt more and more lack of love, how Lucifer led Eve to fall, and how Eve tempted Adam. They observe the spirit world and the earth becoming darker and darker after the fall of Adam and Eve, and how the sinful world came into being.
The participants then watch how, after the fall of Adam and Eve, their descendants inherited the fallen nature of Satan and committed sins. They see that as the lineage expanded its nature grew more and more evil. They witness the evil lineage from the false parents being passed down, as the sins of their ancestors were passed down, and then see how this caused the descendants to add still more sins of their own. The participants can see the entire process: sins flowing down and they themselves inheriting the accumulated mass of sin.
They confirm their own evil nature and understand that they are the substantiation of evil. Thereupon they break into tears and start cleansing their sins, making effort to remove sin from every part of their body until their spirit self-shines with light.
The lecture goes on to explain how the world deviated from God and how hell came into being. As the participants learn the process by which hell was formed they reflect upon their life on earth. After they listen to the Principle of Creation and the Fall of Humankind, they can recollect 80 percent of their memories of life on earth through their reflections. If the lecturer can create the right atmosphere, they can recall 100 percent. In those memories, they also see how their sins and fallen natures were passed down to their own offspring. As they comprehend that they have caused their descendants to suffer with pain in the sinful world they begin to weep in bitter repentance.
After the participants wash away their sins through the lecture series, I let them go out to find the dwelling-places that would be fitting to their new spiritual state. They discover that their new homes are quite different from the ones they had occupied before. They recognize that they are getting closer to Heaven and gain new hope that they, too, can become Spirits of Absolute Goodness who can enter Heaven.
Next, they listen to a lecture titled "Good and Evil," which is presented by President Kee Seuk Lee. This lecture clarifies the meaning of "absolute goodness" and the meaning of evil. In it the participants learn how evil became stronger with the passage of time. They learn that from the Principle perspective there was not a trace of evil in the world of God's original creation. Evil emerged only after the fall of Adam and Eve. Therefore, evil itself cannot be absolute. Ultimately, the world can only end in absolute goodness. Nevertheless, evil emerged after the fall of Adam and Eve and grew greater and greater with time as evil nature and sin were passed down to generation after generation of their descendants. They see how the power of evil became greater than the power of goodness. Then they learn how the situation changed after the True Parents were born on the earth as the Second Coming of the Messiah. True Parents have prepared a foundation of victory and a heavenly environment that can move both earth and the spirit world centered on God's absolute goodness.
During this series of lectures, the screen on side of the stage shows the world of goodness and the world of evil, as well as how sins are passed down from ancestors to descendants. When the participants see such scenes they reflect on how they passed on sin and suffering to their own descendants, and they repent. They realize that there is no way for them to enter Heaven unless they first change themselves into Spirits of Absolute Goodness. They recognize that as long as they have even a spot of sin they will never be able to stand before God. Therefore, once again they try hard to find their sins and cleanse themselves. After this I again let them go and find their proper dwellings. After seeing that they have ascended to better places they work even harder to cleanse their sins, separate evil spirits, and remove their fallen nature, so that they may become Spirits of Absolute Goodness. They begin to offer their deepest gratitude to God and True Parents for giving them such grace.
Next, come the series of lectures on the Principle of Restoration taught by President Hyo Won Eu. These are lectures on the Providence of Restoration centering on Adam's family, Noah's family, Abraham's family, and Moses and Jesus' life courses. Here participants can understand deeply how the central figures of the Providence of Restoration failed to fulfill their responsibilities and thus extended the Providence. These events are again shown as actual scenes on the side screen. The participants reflect back on their own lives to see whether they committed similar mistakes and failures. This is another occasion for them to reflect and repent as they work to cleanse their sins.
As the workshop progresses and more sins are cleansed, the participants gain greater hope to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, they invest more effort to participate in the workshop. The spirits offer glory and thanksgiving to True Parents for revealing to them such a tremendous truth.
Then follows a lecture on "True Parents' Life Course," taught by President Cheong Gu (Tiger) Park. He explains that True Parents came to earth but had to experience pain and loneliness due to the betrayal by Christianity. He describes to the participants that even after True Father was sent to the Heung Nam prison camp he continually comforted God, offered thanks for the blessings that God would give him after his imprisonment, expressed his determination to move forward despite any difficulties and persecution, and asked God to forgive his persecutors. President Park goes on to explain how True Father set each condition of indemnity and exposed the facts about Satan, how he discovered the Principle, and how he searched for his disciples to build God's nation on earth. He also goes into depth on True Father's sermons, his Holy Wedding, and several providential events in the present Completed Testament Age. All this is displayed as images on the side screen.
Through these presentations, the participants learn to offer thanks for God's deep grace and love in sending True Parents on the earth to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. They also repent for being so ignorant about this aspect of God's heart.
Further Divine Principle lectures on "Eschatology and Human History," "Resurrection," "Predestination," and "Christology" are taught by those who were Divine Principle lecturers or church leaders during their earthly life. They received special training to be the lecturers in my workshop.
All participants go through these Divine Principle lectures and watch the moving images on the screen. They see and understand the actual events and situations in history. They take this opportunity to reflect on their sinfulness and wash away their sins with repentance. As they strive to reach the standard of absolute goodness they confirm how much they have changed. They go through this curriculum over and over, each time gaining more hope to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This curriculum is indeed extremely effective and good for the spirit people.
After completing a period of 100 days in the workshop at the training center in the spirit world the spirits come back down to the Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center to receive the Blessing. They arrive there having removed all their sins except the Original Sin. Their Original Sin is removed through the Holy Wine Ceremony at the Blessing Ceremony, and when this is done they become Spirits of Absolute Goodness. They have gone through the ancestor liberation ceremony, education in the spirit world workshop and the Blessing to become Spirits of Absolute Goodness. This means that they are restored into the lineage of God and True Parents.
Spirits of Absolute Goodness do not have even a spot of sin. Therefore, Satan and evil spirits cannot approach them; much less tempt them back to their realm under Satan's rule. The appearance of these Absolute Good Spirits is truly bright and beautiful. Their fragrance is deep and lovely. Such spirits can attend True Parents, and when True Parents open the heavenly gates they will enter Kingdom of Heaven together with True Parents.
After these Spirits of Absolute Goodness receive the Blessing on the earth they return to the training center in the spirit world to go through a 40-day True Family Education Workshop. This time Mr. Ho Cheul Shin gives the lectures.
The True Family Education Workshop is the time when the participating spirits learn about the great value of the Blessing they have received from True Parents and how to lead a life of attendance to God and True Parents. They are informed about their descendants on earth -- what kind of life they live, their problems and sufferings. They are given the opportunity to study the situations and sins of their descendants in detail. They receive practical education on the natures of the evil spirits who infest the bodies of their descendants and what they should do to take control of these evil spirits. As they learn their descendants' situations they become more serious, because those descendants who liberated them and gave them the chance to receive the Blessing still suffer from the influences of evil spirits. They become anxious that something terrible might happen to them.
During the True Family Education Workshop the ancestors also learn about the difficult and suffering course that True Parents went through to indemnify the sins of humanity. They learn the importance of fulfilling their responsibilities in accordance with the timing of True Parents' providence. They also receive education about the actual responsibilities of Spirits of Absolute Goodness in connection with the missions of Tong ban Kyukpa (Grassroots Breakthrough) and Tribal Messiahship, and for the safe settlement of the Cheon Il Guk. They learn how to wash away the sins of their descendants and change the world to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
These Absolute Good Spirits then return to the earth to help their descendants break free from the dominion of evil spirits over their minds and bodies, and to make their earthly life into that of an ideal family living in accordance with heavenly fortune and the will of God. They guide their descendants to contribute to God, to the whole Unification Family, and to humanity. They also help them to establish God and True Parents' tradition of the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships centered upon the ideal of creation and the will of God. This tradition fosters true families that are based upon the eternal true love of husband and wife, and such families in turn become the foundation for building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in Heaven.
Absolute Good Spirits work together with the angels to help Blessed Families separate from evil spirits, so that they may break free of the suffering due to the dominion of evil spirits. When they return to their descendants they realize that what they learned about their descendants' lives at the training center was true. They become serious to help their descendants rid themselves of sin and fallen nature. They worry that their descendants might commit a serious mistake during this time when Satan and his evil spirits are doing their last evil works. Therefore, they offer their utmost effort to help their descendants.
The ancestors are very sincere about fulfilling their responsibility to cleanse their descendants' sins, which, as they learned during the workshop in the spiritual world, were passed down from ancestors like themselves. They sincerely want to help their descendants to overcome their problems. Although they don't have a body, they want to work with their descendants as if they were their body. They want to enable them to live according to the way of citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, and through this to build the Kingdom of Heaven.
In this New Age that is being opened through the grace and love of True Parents all Blessed Couples must unite with True Parents by living the way of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience.
Changes since the Coronation of God's kingship
True Parents have demonstrated to us their heart of filial piety through offering the Coronation of God's Kingship based upon their hard life-long course of indemnity conditions. After Adam and Eve's fall Satan raised so many barriers to make the world completely his own. No one could surmount them. Only True Parents made the indemnity conditions that could conquer them. Through their declarations and rallies all the barriers were released. Knowing the heart of God and knowing the misery of life in this sinful world, True Parents worked extremely hard to restore this evil world and establish the environment of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Up until now evil was stronger than goodness. Therefore, strong and evil people were more prosperous. Now, in these times after the God's Coronation, the side of absolute good will be the winning side because the Spirits of Absolute Goodness are working on the earth. Hence, from now on, if you live centered on the standard of absolute goodness, the way of the Divine Principle, you will prosper. God Himself will work on behalf of His children who have separated themselves from their sins, and He is determined to free them from sickness and misery.
Up until now the earth spiritually looked completely dark because of the sins that covered it. But ever since the Coronation of God's Kingship God has been free to go down to the earth. Traveling back and forth between earth and Heaven, God works in person to illuminate both worlds.
Since the fall of Adam and Eve the children created by God have suffered, unable to connect to God. Because of their sins, walls have been blocking all the different levels of the spiritual world. Now, because of True Parents' authority, and based upon their victories gradually, these walls have been broken down. As a result, the original minds of people in the spiritual world and the physical world can have a base to respond to God's heart. Their response is to repent of their personal sins and cleanse themselves of evil. Thus, the meaning of the Coronation of God's Kingship is that now God's light of love is reaching out to the whole cosmos.
True Parents said, "Everyone must go toward the era of heavenly blessing upon the accomplishment of God's Coronation, the Registration Blessing, and the settlement of the unified Blessing in Heaven and earth centered on the relationship of brothers and as the family of unchanging filial children." Therefore, now is the time of worldwide brotherhood. Going beyond national boundaries, everyone must become brothers to one another. Therefore, the Blessed Central Families must protect the nation of God, the family of God and the kingship of God. We must be resolved to settle the Cheon Il Guk nation on the earth.
All this will be accomplished. I am organizing all the saints and sages in Heaven and earth to go in the same direction centered on the teaching of True Parents, which is based on the ideal of the family of God.
Since the Coronation Ceremony God can use His almighty, omnipresent, and omnipotent power. All the world's organizations will come under the power of God. Satan's world is surrendering before God's omnipotent, almighty, and omnipresent power.
In the spiritual world, there are no more clear demarcations of nationality or religion. No one can speak anymore of their religion or their sovereignty, as all is coming under God's ideal. The satanic world is submitting to True Parents since only the True Parents, who are in the absolute object position to God, can have the authority of God. Those authorities or sovereignties that do not submit to God and True Parents will decline or collapse.
Now the time of indemnity is passing. The time is coming when the authority of God's law will govern. From now on, there is no latitude to overlook your transgressions. The time is coming when you will be judged immediately. In order to become the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, you must keep a pure lineage, not violate human rights, and never steal other people's things or take public money. Your way of life must only be to live with true love.
To become the good object partners of God and True Parents we must remove all the evil spirits from our bodies. Then we can be reborn as absolutely good people who can attend True Parents as their absolute object partners. To transform this evil world into the world of original goodness, God Himself must be able to directly manifest His almighty power. Now that the True Parents have offered the Coronation of God's Kingship, God can reveal Himself to humanity. God has waited so long for this time. At such a time as this we must understand that God is alive and working, and live our life in such a way that God's almighty power can move in us. We must make effort to build the happy and peaceful Cheon Il Guk nation through living with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience.
Honorable and precious True Parents, I am truly grateful to you for establishing order among the spirits and creating Absolute Good Spirits. You created the absolute good lineage. As you have allowed Cheon Il Guk national citizenship cards to be issued to the members on the earth, please allow the Blessed Couples in the spiritual world who are Absolute Good Spirits to also receive them.
Everything accomplished up until now has been done only because of the blessings given by True Parents. I was so moved when I saw how True Parents comforted God by conducting the Ceremony of the Coronation of God's Kingship. We also want to do our best to love both the spiritual and physical worlds and show True Parents' heart of filial piety toward God. As I become more and more deeply aware that we are the fruit of True Parents' blood, sweat and tears, I know what attitude I should have to go this way.
I will make more effort to expand the Kingdom of Heaven to the worldwide level. After clearing up the evil spirits in the spiritual world based on the victory of the True Parents, I, with the Absolute Good Spirits in the spiritual world and on the earth will take responsibility to establish the Cheon Il Guk nation. I will build the Original Palace of the True Parents, and then I will offer the Coronation of True Parents' Kingship and liberate the True Parents. I will work hard so they may rest comfortably after having gone through such a difficult indemnity course. I will do my best together with all the Blessed Couples in the spiritual world and on the earth to fulfill this.
All of us, Young Jin, Hee Jin and Hye Jin; and Dae Mo Nim, Choong Mo Nim and Dae Hyung Nim, my direct relatives in the spiritual world; the four great Religious Founders, saints and sages, and all absolute Blessed Couples, will work hard together and fulfill our responsibility.
True Parents, please trust us, rest comfortably, and take care of your health.
Offered by unworthy Heung Jin at the Chung Pyung Training Center
January 1, 2002
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