Saturday, September 12, 2015

Life of the spirit world from the Principle (1)

Life of the spirit world viewed from the Principle (1)

1. Subject and Object

(Law of the Spirit World)

July 21, 1997

1) Subject

(The Time is short, but I have a lot to say)

Force or energy is generated when a subject and an object interacts with each other with a desire to give love and receive beauty during the earthly life of human beings. This is called universal prime force in the Divine Principle. The Force that is reciprocated between a subject and an object is called universal prime force and God is the subject of the origin of the universal prime force. The force endowed by God operates as the fundamental force that is used for a subject to give force to its object or for an object to return force to its subject. Further, it does not work alone, but is originated from God, by which we sustain our life and continue to exist.

Therefore, all of the fundamental force of the world exists with the force of action that forms a reciprocal relationship between a subject and an object. There is nothing that can independently exist by itself. Existence itself can be possible only through the force generated from give and take actions between a subject and an object. Therefore, whether in the spirit world or on earth, the force of all existing beings is manifested in the process of reciprocal relationship between a subject and an object.

At this point, I would like to write down the actions of a subject and an object that I witnessed in the spirit world; In the spirit world, when God who is in the position of subject force, gives us, spirit selves (bodies: literal human beings), in the position of an object, His force/energy is immediately reflected in all of us, spirit selves (bodies literal), becoming one like a shadow.

For example, if God calls my name, "Sang Hun!" in a non verbal way, I, His object, with an original mind, am automatically drawn to His order. I would not question Him or express my own views such as: God, what is it? I do not know. I do not understand, etc., but I would be automatically drawn to Him. This can be compared to a northern magnetic force that is drawn to a southern magnetic force.

Therefore, in front of God, human beings or spirits (knowledge) are attracted to God like a shadow in the relationship of a subject or an object. This is (from) the original reciprocal principle, that is the fundamental force.

Which is stronger between the force that a subject gives to an object and the force that an object returns to a subject is not a question. The important question is how they can have give and take at the same level of force between each other. If Human beings are given the universal prime force by God, we are to live according to the original will of God at the time of His creation. Therefor, the fundamental force of the universal prime force can have smooth give and take actions only when a subject and an object establishes a reciprocal base (standard: literal).

For example, when a couple (a subject and an object), an animal (male and female), and a plant (stamen and pistil), etc. form a reciprocal base (standard: literal), the force of multiplication comes into being, but if there is a conflict or a friction at this point, an action of force does not take place. Therefore, since God is the original subject (standard: literal) of the fundamental force that is required for us, human beings to exist, if we have an attitude through which we live, attending God in our mind, we can immediately receive the force of the subject and reflect the same force as an object.

2) Object

The force of an object should take place like a beam generator, immediately returning force at the same time of receiving the fundamental force. This means that when a subject appears as the subject of fundamental force that is received from God, its object can also receive the same force. Therefore, a subject and an object should not be in the position of relating to each other independently, in the rule in which someone must give first and the other next in an orderly manner, but should have a reciprocal relationship on the same level. Its reciprocal standard cannot dispute over whose position or level is high or low.

For instance, a conflict that arises out of disunity of a husband and a wife who cannot become one as a subject and an object is not a fundamental force originated from God. Since this is from the fallen nature, it can be compared to a case in which both a subject and an object derailed from the (right) track, losing the original force from God, and deviating from the realm of God's dominion. Accordingly, since an object is reflected by the action of its subject's original/fundamental force, it should not deviate from the original force that strives to respond/return to its subject in the position of an object. If an object deviates from receiving force from its subject, an object should strive to have the force of an object establish a reciprocal circuit.

Let me give you another example: In terms of relationship between a husband and a wife, a husband is in the position of a subject. Yet if something goes wrong with the husband, the wife comes in the position of a subject, in which case since the original position is reversed, until the husband returns to his original position, it takes time. However, only when an object does not deviate from her position, both the subject and the object will stand in a right position.

3) Main Topic

When a subject and an object have a good reciprocal relationship, the force of original value can be manifested. However, if something goes wrong with one party, and thus their position is reversed, until the one party returns to the original state, the other remaining party should keep his or her position. Otherwise, the fundamental force given by God will leave them or be lost.

Therefore, in order for a subject and an object to have proper give and take actions, they should serve and attend God, the original source of the force. Since all beings sustain their lives by the force generated between a subject and an object, unless they become one, both of them will walk a path of destruction and death.

Both subject and object must make effort to become one. Always examining themselves as to whether they may love the original force or be accustomed to the fallen nature, as if they are crossing a bridge made out of stone, they should take each step with care toward the world of eternity. Then they will be able to lead a life of wisdom.

4) There are no exceptions to Spiritual Laws.

Many people understand that the fundamental force of God is from the universal prime force. Yet people do not think about how they can possess the force themselves. During their earthly life, they should realize the value of the original force. The rays of the original force can be reflected only when it is on the original rail, not off the rail. And even when you are on the rail, you should watch not to be derailed. In the spirit world, no exceptions nor forgiveness are applied.

On earth, we can be forgiven based on the circumstances or heartistic relations, but in spirit world, even in case of parent child relationship, it is not acceptable. It is not so because the spiritual laws are fussy, but everything is done in accordance with the principle. You might wonder why God of love cannot be more understanding, but because He is the subject of the original love, if He allows exceptions, the fundamental order will be destroyed. In other words, He cannot accept them in order to keep a right order in the world of eternity. In other words, because He loves us, He cannot forgive us. Therefore, we should live each moment fully for the life of eternity. The reason why I (Sang Hun Lee) am saying this is to fulfill my obligation of helping True Parents as Their son when They would reorganize the spirit world. If we are truly Their children, should we not live a life of filial piety, helping our Parents when They are in difficulties?

* Since what is seen in the spirit world is so clear, Dr. Sang Hun Lee seems to be emphasizing his views, after analyzing his observations and experiences. (Reporter: Y. S. Kim)

2. Three-Object-Purpose,

Completion of Conjugal Relationship) July 28, 1997

1) Three-Object-Purpose

The three-object purpose is God's precious blessing and gift to humans that is given to them at the time of His creation of them. This principle came into being as a condition for humans to come before God. However, due to the fall, the principle of love and beauty that should have been reciprocated between humans and a husband and a wife was invaded. In order to restore this to the original state centered on God, the three-object-purpose that wrong from the time of Adam and Eve should be corrected.

Especially, centered on God, Adam and Eve should have had a reciprocal relationship of love and beauty, but because their relationship was centered on Satan, the circuit of the original reciprocal relationship was destroyed. Therefore, God desires to build the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven based on love, by restoring humans to the original standard of three-object-purpose value.

2) The Completion of a Couple

One of God's blessings to us humans is a multiplication of children. This is Agape-type love that gives and give without any conditions attached to it. Such type of love is not often experienced in our life. However, like a spring water that never dries, the love of God who desires to infinitely give as the king of love never dries.

Likewise, as a husband and a wife, we should also resemble God's love and become one with His love that constantly desires to give and give, when love and beauty will be returned to God as a precious offering. How many couples exist on earth today, actually practicing and living God's love according to His desire?

The Kingdom of Heaven in spirit world is a beautiful place where a couple lives, returning love and beauty to God, reaching the standard of the three-object-purpose. Therefore, there can be no deceptions or falsities in such couple's love. Since the conjugal love is given and returned centered on God, it should have the standard of supreme value. Further, during the earthly life, a couple should live a life that is totally united with God's true love which fulfills the three-object-purpose. Otherwise, even if we go to spirit world, we cannot possess love of the Kingdom of Heaven.

3. Fallen Nature (Rebirth)

July 28, 1997

1) Fallen Nature Is...

Fallen nature refers to a mentality that is derailed from the original track of the principle that God originally desired. Then, how can humans return to the original track of the principle, overcoming (removing: literal) the fallen nature? The reason why God loves us without any reasons or conditions is simply because we are His children. Humans who are derailed from the original track should return to the original position, God's children. However, in order to do this, it is impossible without making a proper condition. Then, what is that condition? When humans created as the children of God fell, by being derailed from the original track, they came to serve another master, resulting themselves to attend two masters. However, they should clearly realize that God is the true master. That is, only when they return to God after cleaning up their position of dealing with two masters, they can be fully/completely restored.

2) Rebirth

A complete restoration is easy. In humans who deviated from the original track of the principle, leaving their original position of being children to God, fallen blood is flowing. Therefore, fallen activities should be stopped. However, in order to be reborn, they should understand the process of rebirth. If explaining this more in detail, our defiled lineage should be completely sanctified, and we should inherit the love of God, which is called rebirth. In order to be reborn, our body needs to go back to the womb from which we came.

This may sound like a fantasy, but the principle teaches us that we can go back to God (which is a rebirth), by making an indemnity condition of small value. However, for this, we need a mediator. The mediator is True Parents. Humans cannot go to God without True Parents since the original since (fallen nature: literal) can be removed only through True Parents, and only through Them, fallen humans can come forward to God as His original children with God like value.

Therefore, since we inherited (the original sin with) fallen nature from Satan, we should be separated from it. It is wrong to think that we can do it on our own. Separation from the original sin (of fallen nature: literal) is possible when we realize the value of the blessing given by True Parents. From this perspective, we can learn that the blessing contains many meanings. Further, after coming to spirit world, I realized the amazing value and greatness of our True Parents even more deeply.

Next part

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