Saturday, September 12, 2015

People whom I met in the spiritual world (3)

People whom I met in the spiritual world (3)

13. Abraham and Isaac

August 20, 1997

I think I was introduced to Abraham and Isaac even before I met them in person because I heard while I am in the spirit world that Abraham has been meeting important figures in God's providence. They came to visit me, saying that they could not have someone important as me to come to them. Abraham is a good looking and gentle hearted person. As I said that I would like to go and visit his place, he answered that people around him are able to attend God well, bowing down to God in the morning and the evening, according to the heavenly law.

As I expressed my interest in the burnt offering of Isaac, he understood me, agreeing with me. And he started, "Since I did not have a child for a long time, I made special efforts in attending God. There was nothing that I could reject or deny in God's voice. Further, my wish was that I depend on God in everything and live with Him. As I made special efforts every day, at the age of 100 He gave me a son. The preciousness of this son was indescribable. I was so immersed into enjoying him, almost forgetting to make offerings to God although God is the one who gave me that son.

As the child was growing, he was interested in everything that his father, I, was doing. He loved me very much. Perhaps, it is because he is a son who was given to me after making many special conditions to God, and he would say, "Father, today, why is there no water on the altar? God should be upset with this, and I will bring some water for Him." In such a way he grew and grew in health and wisdom. One day, God called me and said, "Abraham, I would like to receive an offering from you, that may be a difficult offering for you to give. Will you still do it for me?" I replied, "I will do whatever you ask me to do. Please go ahead and tell me what to do." Then God said, "Abraham, I would like to have you offer your precious son, Isaac." I thought I misheard Him and asked Him again, "What have you said?" He answered, "I told you to offer your son.

I could not tolerate the pain. Whether it was day or night, everything seemed so dark to me. For several days, as I was in torment, Isaac came to me and asked, insisting me to answer him, "Father, is anything wrong?" I told him, "God has asked me to make an offering." Isaac was surprised and asked wondering, "Father, why are you taking so long to execute God's direction? Please do it quickly." With his push I told him, "I should make this offering not here, but at a place far away, in a deep mountain." Isaac said, "Then it is all the more reason why you should be in a hurry. Let us leave quickly."

Due to his pressure, I could no longer resist him. Several days after our departure, when we arrived at a mountain, he asked me, "Father, what will be the sacrificial offering object this time?" I could not answer him. As fire woods were piled up, I just called Isaac's name and embraced him. Then Isaac said, "Father, God asked you to offer Him Isaac, right? I knew it when I saw your gloomy face." Then he continued, "I am grateful for God to choose me as the offering object. Father, what are you worried about? Becoming an offering object is good. It is a blessing."

Then he lay down on the fire woods without hesitation. Looking at the sky, I earnestly prayed with mixed feelings in my heart and with fear towards God and grief for my son, "Father, I am offering my son to you!" With this prayer, as I am about to strike him with a sword, I heard a voice from the sky, "Abraham, I now know that you respect me. Stop what you are going to do." Then, Isaac, who was lying on the fire woods sat up and pushed me, asking, "Why are you stopping? Please continue to make the offering!" He continued, crying out loud, "Father, if you falsely swear before God, I cannot look at your face." Then God called, "Isaac!" Isaac who heard His voice this time listened to me. Through this, although I failed in making the burned offerings according to God's direction, God forgave us, father and son. At that time Isaac joked, "Perhaps God thought that I was too young to be an offering object."

Isaac has a small build, but he is taking after his father, he is a good looking man with a humble heart. Abraham and Isaac were so close to each other to the extent that I was envious of their relationship. Abraham's offering of Isaac teaches us many lessons that we can learn from.

14. Judas Iscariot

August 20, 1997

Judas Iscariot always ran away whenever I saw him. I went to visit him a number of times, but he would not want to see me. So one day, I left a message on a piece of paper, "Your past fault should not be hidden, but should be revealed in order to be forgiven." The, I again visited him several days afterwards, at which tie he agreed to see me, bending his head down like a sinner, he asked me. "Why are you coming after me who is such a great sinner?" I did not answer immediately. After some time, Judas continued, "A historical criminal like me cannot come to God nor to the Lord. As I am repenting about my sin living here like this, please do not come to see me anymore."

"How painful your heart must be. It may not be a great comfort to you, but I thought I might be able to ease your painful heart," said I. He responded, "So far, there has not been even one single person who tried to comfort such a sinner like me. But no one, and nothing can be a comfort to me, and therefore I again request you mot to visit me anymore." I could not introduce either the Divine Principle or the Unification Thought to him. His living environment was barren like that of a prison, and I could hardly see anyone around him. Earthly people usually think that hell is a place where many people are crying and screaming, filled with an unbearable bad odor, but actually, hell is a lonely place. I returned to my place thinking that I would visit him again and help him after a while when he is more calm.

15. John the Baptist

August 20, 1997

John the Baptist is short but has a smart looking face. When I asked Jesus how John the Baptist was doing, Jesus asked me not to say that I met him (Jesus). He also added that John the Baptist would not want to meet me, and thus I would not be able to meet him. The place of John the Baptist was very distant from that of Jesus. When I went to visit him, a gigantic person who was carrying a sword stopped me, saying that not everyone is allowed to see his master. Then he asked me to put down my name in the visitor's book. As I entered his house after signing my name, John the Baptist received me, bowing down and said, "How could the messenger of God come to such a humble place like mine," and he sat down, kneeling down before me. Even before I asked him any questions, he started to talk, "On earth, I was respected and followed by many people, but now, my dwelling place is so humble and I can not even see the Lord. Further, even if I would like to attend the Lord, He would not come here. I was so accustomed to be attended to and I did not pay attention to Jesus' life at all. And because I thought and related to Jesus not with God's eyes, but with human eyes. I did not realize that it would be such a great sin. Since I do not know how to be forgiven, I am frustrated.

As you came here as the messenger of God, could you help me?" When I asked him why a man with a sword was guarding the gate, he answered that he is always insecure with a fear that someone might come to hurt him and therefore he meets people selectively. I told him, "You need to continuously repent until the day when the gates of hell will be opened." And I introduced True Parent to him. Then, he asked me when that day of liberation will come. As I was returning home, my heart ached because I know that before True Parents, there are many people like him on earth, who will be living a life like that of John the Baptist in the spirit world.

16. Kim Il Sung

August 21, 1997

To meet him I had to go everywhere to look for him. I asked to God about his whereabouts but God only shake his head. I asked around but nobody knows. So I finely decided to go down to low levels to look for him. When I went down to low level, I really felt there is the hell. And then what happened! A giant man injured by gun and knife was lean against the door, could not even go inside, and sat there with such a ghastly sight. I asked him, "By any chance are you the Premier II Sung Kim?" He was moaning and groaning and could not even hold his head up and yet asking who am I? I told him who I am and mentioned Father's name.

He was bleeding everywhere but he changed his position to kneel down. And he said "I committed so much sin, and did so much wrong things to him (T.F.) therefore I am paying for all that now." I asked him why don't you go inside instead of staying here by the entrance? He said, "I wish I can do that but as soon as I go in, those people throws stone, knife, gun and all kinds of things at me and create such a riot that I cannot endure. Also they scream and saying, Go away, you son -- to me that I cannot stay inside."

"Why are you looking for me? Do you think that my son Jung II would know about all my misery? North Korea will perish. I knew already but I could not do anything about it. I was just hoping that Jung II would attend True Father and listen his advice to lead the country. I never knew of North Korean people's shouting, and screaming is so loud like this. I really did not know my sin was so great like this. Nobody welcomes me from anywhere. Could you please save me?" he begged. I had to give Divine Principle and Unification Ideology lecture. I really could not bear to see that gruesome scene. I went inside of that door, and it was like an open space of jail. All of the people whom were there rising and ask me, "Who are you? How could you come in here so imposingly?" I told them that I am a messenger from God and give me a little bit of time to talk to them.

From here and there, I heard them saying sarcastically, "All right. We have plenty of time. Give us a speech." I explained to them God is the main person of love and after that gave a lecture about dual characteristics of God. I also appeal to them with tears for about 40 to 50 minutes that they have to live for others. Love and help each other and forgive each other's fault. They must endure and wait until the day of liberation of hell.

After that, I told Il Sung Kim to lay down to treat his wounds. People around us started to help by cleaning his wounds, and atmosphere changed to very calm and composed. I asked them that can I come again later on for more lecture, some says fine and some says let it be, and did not want to be bothered.

Il Sung Kim sat down anxiously. He could not lift his head up and he could not even look at me when I was leaving. On the way back I was thinking, earthly life is so short who can know about this kind of fact and earthly people cannot see the Spiritual World therefore they only cling to what they can see and live their lives. This kind of punishment of hell. The life only can face this kind of wretched hell. What a poor life! I am writing this letter in the hope of being a vital energy for our members so without suffering, all of our members can directly embraced into God's bosom.

17. Realm of Unification spiritual world

August 21, 1997

To explain the realm of Unification Spiritual World. "Here is a real heaven. Here is a real Eden. Here is really [peaceful. In here, everybody is happy. Here is full of hope. Here is a real garden of love. Here is really enraptured. Here is the place really sprout a bud of love. Here is real holy place that cannot express enough of the beauty." In here Heung Jin Nim always be the first to do the work very quietly, humbly and detailed. And he always ask to God about the work and seek his opinion. He goes around each levels and listen to their situations and comfort them and so on. Missionary Jong Koo Park always attend Heung Jin Nim and goes everywhere with him. Sometimes Missionary Park stops Heung Jin Nim from going to too hard places and he takes care of the things instead of Heung Jin Nim.

And Dae Mo Nim always prays just like she had done during her earthly life. She does not move from Heung Jin Nim's living place, and she always pray. Dae Mo Nim lives with only one mind and wish which is the long life for True Parents. Choong Mo Nim calls Dae Mo Nim elder mother, and she always follow beside of the Dae Mo Nim, and try to learn even all the little things. One time I witnessed a very interesting scene. Dae Mo Nim's couple and Choong Mo Nim's couple were together and talking to each other, and Dae Mo Nim's husband said, "Let's have fun time together. I feel we are so distant because we are too serious and too formal to each other." Then Dae Mo Nim said, "How can in-laws have fun time together? Aren't in-laws supposed to be formal and serious to each other?" After that atmosphere changed to serious again. Choong Mo Nim is always serious and formal, and she try very hard to learn.

President Hyo Won Eu always give Divine Principle lecture. He return to the lecturing position even during the time talking with members comfortably. Divine Principle lecture is his life itself. Even in this kind of happy atmosphere, we have some bad times also. Also many of our members are here but that doesn't mean that everybody is happy. They carry the title of their sins like carrying a name tag so it reveal to public therefore until they pay off the indemnity, they face many embarrassments and pains. Even in heaven, there are different levels. I am not going to say anymore about it. But if I summarize it, heavenly life is the extension of earthly life. Spiritual World is like going in to the storage with the fruit of your own life. But more precious thing than the grain is for the sake of others attitude. We all learned about give and take action from Divine Principle and the very basis of that is for the sake of others. Therefore if we live for others rather than myself, it will be all right.

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