Saturday, September 12, 2015

People whom I met in the spiritual world (6)

People whom I met in the spiritual world (6)

Korea's Political Leaders

Syngman Rhee

I was curious to find out about how people who had been president of a country were living in the spiritual world. Here, a person doesn't receive a large residence just because he was president of his country, so it's difficult to find these people unless you really look for them. I decided to use an unusual method in order to find President Syngman Rhee. As I meditated, I prayed: "God, please lead my heart to wherever President Rhee lives." At a particular spot, I began to hear very beautiful singing. It caught my attention to the extent that I started heading in the direction of the sound. After a while, the singing stopped. I stood for a while, wondering how to continue my search, and I finally decided to just try on my own. The place was surrounded on four sides by mountains, though, and this made it difficult to see where things were.

I decided to put my trust in the general direction that I had followed in order to arrive at this place, and began looking around that area. Once in a while, people would come and go from the woods. I wasn't sure whom I should ask, and so I just kept searching the area. Soon, I noticed a man sitting at a bend in the road, apparently in deep thought. I went to him to get a good look at him, but he wasn't Syngman Rhee. I asked him whether he had ever heard of someone named President Syngman Rhee nearby. He answered me in a way that I thought odd. He said: "I don't know if he's a president or what, but someone lives in that house across the road there."

I went to the house, thinking there was a chance I might find President Rhee there. The house was a little bit better than most homes. Oddly, though, it was very quiet, and I didn't see any signs that someone lived there. Inside, there was no sign of anyone. I was looking around inside the house, when finally I heard someone make a noise. It turned out to be President Syngman Rhee. I was very surprised to see how he was dressed. His clothes were very shabby. His appearance was scruffy, and he had no one with him.

I quickly greeted him: "You must be President Syngman Rhee. My name is Sang Hun Lee." He wanted to know how I had known where to find him. I told him that God had sent me, and he asked me if I had ever met God.

I said, "Yes, I met Him." "Why, then, has such a great person come here?" he asked. I asked him why it was that a former president was living such a lonely life in this place. He said he didn't know the reason himself. He told me that he had a large house in another place nearby, but he lived here because he was more comfortable. He told me that since he couldn't be treated the way he wanted, he felt more comfortable living in a place where he didn't have to meet anyone.

"Well, yes," I said, "but this is a place where neither God nor Jesus are present. Do you have to live here?"

He replied, "God and Jesus have forsaken me." But he also said that he wanted to meet God and Jesus. When this man who was responsible for a nation failed to fulfill his responsibility, he heard his own people demand that he give up his office and was thrown out of office. Seen from the perspective of eternal life, Syngman Rhee's life is nothing more than the result of his failure to fulfill his responsibility, either during his tenure as president or during his life as a human being. I have not done so yet, but someday I plan to invite him, too, to my home and talk to him about True Parents.

*All the people who now live far below the stations that they enjoyed in the physical world are people who were traitors to the providence, and I think that the place where they exist now is none other than hell.


A letter presented by Jesus to True Parents

May 22, 1998

Father, my name is Jesus. Though I am not worthy, you have given me so much love, concerned yourself for my sake, and prayed for me so often. Even this is such a tremendous blessing for me, and yet you have even given my wife a home that is far more than she deserves. How can I ever repay you for all your kindness?


My wife is a woman who is far better than I deserve. Truly, I am awestruck. From this point on, my wife and I will uphold your will and work to make an offering of our lives as a beautiful family. I will attend Heung-jin Nim, offer my prayers and hard work for the sake of the direction of the True Parents and the providence of restoration.

Also, Father! There is a vast number of Christians here, but their hearts have been closed. Now, you have narrowed the gap between us and Heung-jin Nim, who is able to establish the same flow of cooperative relations as on earth. We will work hard now on the basis of this spiritual backing and foundation.

The name of "Jesus" is always being made to stand out on earth, and no words can describe how ashamed I feel before you, Father, because of this.

Father, please forgive this sinner (in the sense that the responsibility was not fulfilled). Some day, your resentment will be resolved. Christians on earth will begin to have dreams about the wretched appearance of Jesus in the spiritual world.

Father! I truly thank you. I love my wife. Thank you.

I pray that the Parents may have long life and good health.

Jesus, who was born in Nazareth of Judea, sends this letter from the spiritual world to Father.

*I am very sorry, Mrs. Kim, to trouble you so often. (This is in reference to the letter that I sent to Mr. Chang.)

A Letter presented by Choong-Mo Nim to True Parents

Father, this is your mother.

Father, how many difficulties you must have faced over the years? As a result of my inadequacies, you were not able to go a smooth course, and you are left with no choice but to live a life where there is no difference between night and day. Father, it always pains me to know that you have had to suffer, because you lacked the foundation of your mother's devotion.

Father! Together with Dae Mo-Nim, I am learning many things and teaching many things. Whenever you think it necessary, I am willing to assist. Am I being too arrogant? Is it still too early?

Father! I will become a loyal mother, or "Choong-Mo," according to the title you have given me. And, Father, the image of me wearing a towel over my head is very unattractive, isn't it? It causes you shame, doesn't it? I have asked this lady to remove the towel, because I'm afraid that image will cause you embarrassment.

Father! Please wait and see. I truly will become a loyal mother. Father, Mother, I pray and pray again for your long life and good health.

*As she writes this letter, she is crying again. Whenever she appears, she is crying.

A Letter presented by Young-Soon To True Parents

I present this letter to Father.


This is Kim Young-soon. I dare to present this letter to you. I received your instructions from Rev. Kwak, and in the car on the way home I was feeling the weight of the task, because I didn't know what to do. Then, I received God's encouragement to "Be joyful that you have been blessed." I felt I had to offer devotion. I thought I would offer 40 days. Then, I wanted to make it 21 days, and then 3 days. The longer the period of devotion, the longer you would have to wait.

The next day, I received a phone call from Rev. Kwak. He told me that he was leaving for the United States in three days, and he needed me to give him all the results of your instructions before then. I was at a loss. Oh God, help me. How can I complete everything in three days? God, please, please help me. How can I do this in three days?

Then, suddenly, I heard a voice say: "Mrs. Kim, this is Sang Hun Lee. Don't you know Father's character? Let's begin this evening. I'm ready. Then, he gave me a list of the prayer items. I told him that I didn't even know who "Japan's Tojo" was, but he told me not to worry. He said he knew about Tojo well, so I didn't have worry that I didn't know him.

He was very calm and kept encouraging me. He never comes unless it is for a public purpose. Yet, when Father's instructions are involved, he comes immediately. I realized how deep the communication is between a father and son. The spiritual world that cannot be seen with the physical eye, . . . I am learning many things, and feeling many things.


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