Saturday, September 12, 2015

People whom I met in the spiritual world (1)

People whom I met in the spiritual world (1)

1. Jesus Christ

August 10, 1997

Every people is concerned about the Paradise where Jesus is staying. Then, how does Jesus Christ do? He is living like only one existing person in the cosmic world. What does it mean? He feels very much lonely. There are many Christians around Jesus Christ. Some people are wearing Cross necklace, and others are holding a rosary. However, even though Christians serve Jesus as the highest goal of their earthly lives, Jesus Christ feels lonely and shabby. What is the reason for that? If Jesus is the highest Christ as Christians believe, why did he is staying in the Paradise? Because in the spiritual world, Jesus is not conceded as the person who fulfilled his mission completely. So he is in the lonely and sympathized position.

Paradise is not so happy place. So, Christians who are in the Paradise are begging for Jesus to go forward the door of the Kingdom of Heaven. "Oh! Our Lord! Let's go together with you!" They are begging like that. Whenever they do so, Jesus feels painful heart. He answers like that "I am not to stay here with the qualification of Christ, but as God's son. I am happy and feel grateful for this place.
Then, when would Christians be able to move from the Paradise to the Kingdom of heaven? Until when would Jesus have to stay there? He has to wait until True Parents come and liberate. At that time, people of Paradise can receive many advantage. Then, can't Jesus get God's benefit in the Paradise? He can't. I saw many times that Jesus was going together with God, but many Christians did not know that. (This is a different point from the Kingdom of God.)

2. The holy mother Mary

August 10, 1997.

The Holy Mother Mary was a great woman who was respected as Jesus' mother. Even though she is always with Jesus in the Paradise, but I have never seen her who was walking proudly. She is living with having a guilty consciousness because she did not fulfill her responsibility for Jesus. Even though she is not a nun, she is living like a nun. Therefore, the relationship between Jesus and his mother is in the very difficult situation. However, they do not blame each other. Rather, they are very careful of each other.

3. Joseph

August 10, 1997

Joseph is the husband of the Holy Mother Mary and lives in the same position as Mary's, but he is also living very lonely life separating from Mary. Even though they were couple on earth, now they are living like unknown persons and even do not meet each other. Joseph feels difficulty to meet Jesus, and the Holy Mother Mary also feels sorry for meeting Jesus. Moreover, they seem to be afraid for how people think about them. Joseph is repenting for his past earthly life and feels very sorry for Jesus. Because most of people who are around them know the relationship between Joseph and Mary, their lives are not free on earth as well as in heaven. Therefore, the Paradise is not so happy and joyful place, but it is the place of wish and hope.

4. Buddha

August 11, 1997

Buddha is the most famous and expected person to Buddhists. I am going to say the story of meeting Buddha. He is spending his time with sitting in the foot of high mountain and deeply sighing. When I asked him why you have such many sigh and worry, he answered that "You did not come here to meet me, but came to analyze me. Since you are living in God's love, you may know every situation. In spite of that, why do you ask me?" "Whenever it comes April 8, many Buddhists celebrate a festival for my birthday, but I have only heart to want to hide. I feel very sorry and repent that when I lived in the physical world, I did not teach how to serve God. Because I also lived without knowing God, my teaching seemed to lead many people to the sinful way. What can I do?" He speaks me like this with deep sighing.

His face does not seem to look bright and he likes to walk in the high mountain. He dislikes to meet people and wants to go where nobody is there. He is always repenting in his prayer and continues to offer full bow before God with his whole sincere mind. Even though some believers around Buddha are following him, he does not appear the place where many people are gathered. Moreover, the place where Buddha is living seems to be in the high level of the middle spiritual world.

I am going to give a lecture of Divine Principle and Unification Thought to Buddha continuously. His character is very mild and humble. He does not walk proudly with uplifting his head, but dropping his head with 45 degree. He always talks with a benevolent face. When he was listening the lecture, he thanked for my lecture continuously. When I ask him to make promise for the next lecture, he does not promise easily. After taking silent moments, he used to make a facial expression like saying that "If you have a left time, please come." He does not say unnecessary thing. He was very humble and benevolent.

How does Buddha meet God? Some Buddhists may believe that because he was the highest religious founder on earth, he should be treated most highly. However, even though it may be a very sorry story for Buddhists, he cannot meet God directly. However, he can sometimes receive God's direction indirectly only through a messenger. When he receives God's direction, as a servant does before king, he gives full bow before God and kneels down to receive that. And, he also gives full bow again before God's direction like reading King's order.

Buddhists also sometimes can see such scene, but they do not know what is done. Moreover, God's direction does not come often. The contents of God's direction seems that God consoles Buddha. That is, it seems to console Buddha with the contents that since it takes long time until he comes into the direct realm of God's love, he needs to wait silently. It was very surprising that God is going with Jesus together, but He is not with Buddha directly. Why is that so? Jesus served God, but because Buddha served for himself, he is a sinner who can never go before God. However, God forgives him and consoled him.

5. Confucius

August 11, 1997

Confucius is the great King of Confucianism. He stays in the same level as Buddha's which is the highest level of the middle spiritual world. Even in the coldest winter, he wears the oriental classical overcoat and hat, and has a deep meditation with sitting on the snow for several time. Therefore, if I do not make an appointment with him, it is not easy to meet him When I greeted him saying that "I came here to meet teacher Confucius," he responded that "Isn't it rudeness if you come here without appointment?" I introduced myself to him. When I was living in the physical world, I thought of your Confucianism as the most valuable thought, and I wrote Unification Thought, and I lived a life with having a new view of life through Rev. Moon's teaching. When I finished to introduce myself, he said that "How can you call your great teacher's name directly? You should call his name respectably as letter "Moon", letter "Sun", and letter "Myung". He taught me like that. He also said that "Since your sit seems to be uncomfortable, please change to this sit." His word and behavior were very courteous. So, it was not easy to say my opinion.

Whenever I visited him, he came out with wearing humble dress. He seems like a stone Buddha. Since he did not speak quickly, it took time to listen his some word. His facial expression also would not be changed and looked severe. He liked very much the lecture of Divine Principle and Unification Thought, and he gently asked me to come again. However, because he was worried if his request made me trouble, he glanced at my facial expression. Since his character was very reticent, it is difficult to know his inner situation.

I was curious how God's love is delivered to the place where Confucius lives. In case of Buddha, God's love was delivered through someone, but Confucius was different from him. Confucius was called by God. When God said that you should teach God through your thought, he gave a full bow before God. Because he gave full bow very politely, it took quite a long time. Why does God treat them differently? Buddha himself acted like God, but Confucius taught various requirements of etiquette and norm. He did not act like God. There were many people around Confucius who look courteous with wearing the traditional dress such as overcoat and hat. It was not easy to meet Confucius. When I went to meet him, I had to pass through many doors like passing 12 doors.

6. Mohammed

August 12, 1997

Mohammed is at a distance from God and the Holy Spirit. His living place is neither the middle spiritual world nor the Paradise, but is not also the Hell. If it is like the physical world, I can say the name of the place, but in the spiritual world, it is difficult to express it. His place is located between the Paradise and the Hell. In going to meet him, I met many difficulties. It was also difficult even to find the way to go to him. It is because he dislikes to be easily revealed himself to other peoples. Therefore, the meeting place wasn't bright. I met him at the slightly dark place like basement.

He asked why I wanted to meet him. After introducing myself, I said that "Since you are the person whom many earthly people want to meet, I also came to see you." After thinking for a while, he began to open his mouth to speak. "When I lived in the physical world, many people did so, but after coming to the spiritual world, this place seems to be excessive to me. I believe that God sent me here to have me recognize my sin in the physical world. I feel very sorry and repent that I made God suffer by my wrong thought. Because of God's grace, even in this level, there is no the punishment of the Hell. I am very grateful for God because this place is too good comparing with my sin."

He said continuously that "When I was staying in the physical world, I thought that my thought was the best one which could not be compared with any thought regarding the theory of God. However, it was very big mistakes and even I feel very shameful for that. I cannot lift up my head before God. However, once you came here, please give me your deep advice and thought sufficiently." It was the fourth time which I met him.

The reason why I met him many times is that I wanted to understand his thought clearly. At the second meeting, I explained a part of the Unification Thought and introduced True Father, and he accepted it positively. He has already known True Father very well. He said that he was very looking forward to see Rev. Moon in the spiritual world. When I asked why he is waiting for True Father, he has already known that True Father will establish the law of the spiritual world and liberate that world. When I asked how to know that, he said that he was known by attending many seminars which were held in the spiritual world.

Mohammed was wearing the dress which was covering his whole body from the head to foot. He seemed to have the character of religious founder, and his body looked like a dignified figure. The place where Mohammed was staying seems to be located in the lower position than the middle spiritual world. Most of them were wearing similar dresses, which we can see in the Arab countries. People who are living in this Arab area was trying to escape from meeting people. If I tried to see them, they turned their face. Even though I asked the reason, they didn't give me answer for that. I came to guess that because I am living in the good place, they would want to hide their shabby and shameful thing.

Mohammed seemed to glad to meet me, and at the same time, seems to feel shy. He always met me bashfully. While my staying here, I have never seen that God called Mohammed. I didn't see that even God sent a messenger. Even though he recognized God's love and felt sorry for God on the other hand, I could not see that he gave a full bow and devotion like Buddha and Confucius. However, I don't know if he is doing that secretly. He doesn't seem to feel lonely like Buddha, and he also doesn't seem to have meek face like Confucius. How did such great leader of Moslem came to go such lower level of the spiritual world? I have thought deeply about that.

Human was created to pursue goodness as resembling God's love. However, Mohammed seemed to try to pursue individual desire rather than following the goodness and love through his autocratic authority. The mind which we serve God should spring out from original nature automatically. The faith which came to get by forcible and cruel method is just formal faith. Moreover, such forcible method is what oppresses human's original nature. That is far from God's situation. Therefore, they cannot but stay in such level of the spiritual world.

Now, Mohammed is looking forward to seeing that God, Allah would be destroyed. However, it is very difficult problem. Only when there is some cooperation of earthly people and people in the spiritual world, he can go before God. Therefore, when people of this area attend the blessing ceremony and pray for his wrong teaching, he would like that very much.

The conversation between Mohammed and Young Soon Kim who is a reporter

My name is Mohammed. I know that you came here as the responsible person of this middle East Asia. Even though most precious person came to this area, because I cannot treat you well, I feel very sorry. I know how much big mistake I made. Even though because of selfishness, it is very difficult to restore people of Arab, I wish that they would be restored by God's love and True Parents' love. The reason why I came here is because I have something which I want to ask to you. If you make 40 days prayer condition to restore the realm of the middle East Asia, I will open the way to meet people of Arab. Because I can help you through the prayer condition. If you are doing so, your precious family seems to stay here in safe. Thank you very much. (He was thinking how to witness people of Arab in the Middle East Asia.)

Next part

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