Saturday, September 12, 2015

People whom I met in the spiritual world (5)

People whom I met in the spiritual world (5)

Leaders of Korean Christianity

Kim Hwal-Lan

Kim Hwal-lan was a very famous woman on earth, who took pride in the fact that she had graduated from the most prestigious academic institutions. She led a life of faith based on certain strong convictions about God, and many people looked up to her as a member of the elite. The question, though, is whether a member of the highest elite on earth can also receive an elite position in the spiritual world.

I visited a club of Christians one day not long after I came to the spiritual world. The people there were waiting earnestly for the Lord to come on the clouds - so much so that they had created an effigy of the Lord and hung it from a cloud. They were praying and expressing their longing for the Lord. I also saw a painting of Jesus there, but Jesus himself was not in the club. There are many such clubs formed by Christians gathering together among themselves.

I visited the clubs, because I was searching for a specific person. Even more than the pain that she had caused the members of our 36 Blessed Couples, I was curious to know the outcome of her erroneous judgements about God. One day, I found her. I came across a woman in a rather unusual club of Christians consisting of members of the upper class. The woman was preaching very energetically, and I went in and listened to what she had to say.

She was saying basically that, since the Lord who is to return had not yet come, it was the responsibility of women to hold candlelight vigils and pray until the day of his coming. We should not be derelict in expressing the devotion of the bride as she waits for her bridegroom, she said. She called on her listeners to join together in prayer until the day of the Lord's return.

I, Sang Hun Lee, stood in the back of the crowd and clapped very loudly. I did so, because I wanted her to notice me so that I might have a chance to meet her. Instead, though, I found that the entire crowd turned around to look at me. Kim Hwal-lan suddenly appeared directly in front of me, and greeted me very politely. I introduced myself as a messenger from God.

She said, "You look like a respectable person, but why do you joke with us? A messenger from God?"

Many people were focusing their attention on me. I continued to lead the conversation in a direction to where I would be able to declare the coming of the Messiah.

"Madam Kim," I said, "the Messiah already returned a long time ago. Your education of brides here is mistaken. I'm sure Jesus knows this, too. The Lord has come. He came a long time ago, and he is working hard for the building of the Kingdom of Heaven, for the establishment of world peace and for the salvation of humanity."

She responded: "That's what the heretics say."

"Then," I continued in a very earnest tone, "will you listen to me while I talk a little about what the heretics say? If you can show me that what I say is mistaken, then I will be glad to study under you."

Most of the people in the crowd were women, and they agreed that they wanted to hear what I had to say. I knew this was my chance. I explained about "The Messiah: His Advent and the Purpose of His Second Coming." I used a detailed historical chart to talk about the parallel providential periods for the coming of the Messiah, and compared it to the present age so that they could understand for themselves that this was the time for his return. I also talked about the issue of Jesus' crucifixion, and how the Lord at the Second Advent would have to carry on the work that Jesus had begun. Then, I put a question to the crowd at large, and particularly to Kim Hwal-lan.

"Am I a fraudulent messenger? Is the content that I have introduced here in error? Doesn't it agree with the general principle? There are many areas of detail. If you like, I can talk about those at another time."

Kim Hwal-lan raised her hand to ask a question. "Why did you come here? Who did you come to see?" I told her that I had come to meet Kim Hwal-lan. Then, I began to talk about True Parents.

I asked her whether she remembered the name, "Sun Myung Moon." She said she did not. I asked her again, but again she said she recalled no one by that name. "In that case," I said, "do you remember hearing about the Unification Church?" She thought for a while, and said that indeed she did recall hearing something about that. I said: "Do you know who is the founder of the Unification Church?" Finally, then, she was able to remember Rev. Moon's name.

"The gentleman who founded the Unification Church is the one who is the Lord at the Second Advent and the True Parents. He is now shedding his blood and sweat on earth for the sake of human salvation." Kim Hwal-lan's face turned as red as a beat.

"Then, I am a terrible sinner," she said. "Have you come to take me away as a criminal?"

I told her it was not for me to determine whether the term "criminal" applied to her. This is something that only God and Madam Kim herself could judge. The other members of the crowd were very curious. Madam Kim and I were talking about the coming of the Lord at the Second Advent, but they had no way of knowing who we were talking about. Kim Hwal-lan suggested that the two of us meet later in private. I told her then that I would end my lecture for the day. I offered to return the next day, if she wanted, to lecture the Divine Principle. Kim Hwal-lan seemed very dissatisfied with this. She said her group would have a meeting and decide what would be good time for me to come. One woman in the group, though, raised her hand and said: "I want to hear what you have to say. Let's listen to him." Others, then, joined in with her in a chorus of "Let's listen to him. Let's listen to him."

I lectured here for three days. Everyone wept and prayed and sang hymns. We began singing "When the Bridegroom Comes," which is hymn number 162 in the Korean Christian hymnal and has the refrain "Prepare, Prepare." It made quite a ruckus.

Many members on earth, especially those who were forced to terminate their studies at Ehwa Women University, are interested to know what has become of Kim Hwal-lan. Kim Hwal-lan kept beating her breast with her fists and shouting, "Lord, Lord, what should be done with this sinner? Lord, Lord, please save me, as I am a sinner."

Later, Kim Hwal-lan met with me, and sincerely apologized for what she did on earth. She asked me what she should do for the sake of those who had suffered as a result of her actions. I told her that she should work for the sake of the coming Lord. She should take full charge of the task to go to all women Christians and bear witness that Rev. Sun Myung Moon is the Lord who has come on earth, that he is the True Parents and the Savior, the parents of all humanity. She smiled and said she would do this work to the best of her ability with a heart of atonement. It made me happy to have overcome these people, but I also felt a certain bitterness to think of how they once left a terrible mark on our providential history.


How is it that a person who opposed our will so vehemently is able to live in such tranquility?


A person who was recognized on earth as an intellectual of the highest order and who served God and made many great efforts during her life is now consigned to a lower realm of the spiritual world where Jesus does not live. Is it accurate, then, to describe this person's position as "tranquil"?

The family of Maria Park

God who rules over all things created spoke as follows: "Sang Hun, it may seem to you that people live according to their own wills, but it is only when the direction of their will is consistent with that of God's will that they can be said to be following a true path. I was curious to know why God had spoken these words to me, and I waited for Him to explain. Then, one day, God told me: "There is a particular place where you must visit today." He then sent a woman of small stature to where I was and told me to go with her. The woman was a messenger of God. Because we were going on God's command, I was especially curious to know where it was that we were going.

The woman told me that the place where God had told me to go and see was not a pleasant place. After we had traveled a certain distance, the woman told me to stop and wait. She called a man to where we were, and invited him to accompany us on our journey. I felt strange in my heart, but I continued to follow along.

Where is this? I could see a large gate that looked similar to the prison gates on earth. It was very high and tightly closed. But then, what is this? After waiting for a long time, the man who had traveled with us said something, and the gate suddenly opened wide. We went in. I could hardly believe what I saw there. The people were all people, but they didn't have the form of normal humans. There were "crying people," "fighting people," "people who have been struck with a sword," "people with crooked eyes," "people biting on a stick," "people with their hands behind their backs," "people with their feet sticking up in the air," "people with blood pouring from their bellies," "people with blood flowing from their ears," "people with malformed hands, feet and ears." The place was filled with people whose appearances are difficult to describe with words. As they moved along, each person kept repeating his or her particular motion, so the group had the appearance of a colony of people suffering from physical disabilities.

This was really strange. I was curious to know why God had sent me to such a place. As I stood there feeling pain in my heart over what I was witnessing, the woman who had come with me called to me and motioned for me to look in a certain direction. "There she is," she said. "The person that God wanted you to see is over there."

I looked in the direction she pointed, and saw a woman who was holding her lips with her hand. Her hand was stuck to her lips and wouldn't come off. She would try to eat something, but the hand got in the way, and so she would spill more food than she would manage to get into her mouth. I stood in front of the woman and said, "You're Maria Park, aren't you." She nodded her head to tell me I was correct. There were many things I wanted to ask her. But there was no way to do so, because she couldn't open her mouth. I myself was surprised to hear the words "Father, what is to be done with this person" echoing in my heart.

Then, suddenly, the woman began leading me to another place. She pointed out a man who turned out to be Lee Ki-boong. We looked at each other, and I could hardly believe what I saw. Lee Ki-boong had blood pouring from his chest. We were close enough that we could recognize each other. After that, I began looking around on my own. I wanted to find the son of Lee Ki-boong. I wanted to find Lee Kang-suk. How was it possible that an entire family had ended up in such a place? I found the son. He was in a permanent pose of standing behind his father with a knife in his raised hand.

The woman looked at me and suggested we return to God. I offered a prayer to God in this place. "God, please save these people. Please liberate these people before True Parents come here and see them in their present form." No one, though, responded to my prayer. As I traveled back through the large gate, I was thinking: "What is to be done about this gruesome sight? How am I to show this to True Parents?"

I called out to God, and He responded: "Sang Hun, is there pain in your heart?" I just began to cry before God. God told me: "Sang Hun, it's not something for you to cry about. I wanted you to see this, because it's something for which you have to bear responsibility. You must tell my children to live good lives. For the people in that place, the path of salvation will not be easy. Tell my children to live good lives on earth before they come here. Do you understand my meaning? Sang Hun, I'm asking you." Then, God was silent.

Park Tae-Sun

When Elder Park was on earth, he was venerated so highly that his authority seemed to rival that of a god. Next, I would like to describe this person's appearance and life in the spiritual world.

I found Elder Park living in a community of regular Christians. The standard of these Christians, though, was not that of faithful people who had lived in attendance of the Lord. Instead, their standard was that of people who had put only a little effort into their faith. So, for example, when they sang hymns or prayed they didn't know the words very well. They were novice believers. Elder Park was among them. I have never conversed with this person. The reason I have not been in a hurry to speak with him is that it is obvious that he is purposely hiding himself in an area that is not appropriate to his position. From what I've seen, I can tell that his faith was based on an arrogant heart, and that he became intoxicated in his mission. In this world, he is living in a place that is considerably distant from God. He still does not understand his position. He lives among novice believers and still holds on to his past domain. I will let some more time pass before meeting him.

Next is the life of regular Christian ministers. In the Christian realm that I have seen, I have not come across anything remarkable with regard to ministers. I have not found a situation where a minister who was specially revered on earth has been given a special position here. What I have noticed is that even if a person is given the position of minister on earth, here he may not have that position. I have not yet seen the ministers who opposed us. In hell, or in the place that is called Heaven, there is no sign indicating where the ministers are, so I have not been able to find them. This is something that I am planning to do in the future.

Next part

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